Features That You Expect from an Ideal Document Management Software

When it comes to great name in any market there is an aspect that characterizes all of them: a thorough and well-structured organization. This means that with the proper placing of any document, file or any other relevant information related to that firm, you can have a clear head of everything. Imagine that there would be crises and you require a specific document. If your files are not well organized through a system, wouldn’t that be a problem?

Social Networking: What Does It Mean for Your Business?

Social networking is a collection of individuals into specific groups, like small rural communities or a neighborhood subdivision. Although social networking is possible in person, it reached its current zenith by connecting the workplace, home networks, universities, and high schools. Never since the beginning of the internet has it been so simple and efficient for people to communicate and share information. Read more…

How To Print Your Own Money

Everyone on the internet who is serious about a business plan is trying to find their own way to make a mint with the next best idea. This includes everyone who is retailing goods made in their basement to serious entrepreneurs who are searching for start-up money, hoping for a giant IPO or sale to Google. What they don’t know is; they can create their own currency with a platform from iScripts. Read more…

Free Traffic! Claim Your Spot on the iScripts.com Customer Showcase

We’re remodeling iScripts.com! As a token of our gratitude to all of our clients who have been loyal customers of iScripts products, we are opening the customer showcase to new clients’ sites. No longer will the lengthy confirmation process stand in the way of a high-quality backlink. Previously, customers were required to submit their site for consideration to the customer showcase. During the reconfiguration of the page, we are welcoming everyone in the iScripts family to join. Read more…

5 Things to Do When Your Site Is Broken

Websites are complicated pieces of software. Whether they are robust and nuanced ecommerce or content aggregators or simple HTML informational sites, all sites are subject to bugs or ‘hiccups’ from time to time. This is mainly due to the many types of variables that exist on the Web including different hosting options, programming languages working together, and users with many different browser options interacting with the application. Read more…